Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Werewolves & Vampires

Got my books in the mail last week. So excited, I totally fell in love with this one.
http://www.howtohauntyourhouse.com Low and behold the 2nd Edition came out just days later. So next on the list is to order that ghoulish delight too!

My werewolf, Tim also loved it. We are going to attempt the pepper's ghost! I'm so excited!!! The Werewolf also gave me a few ideas for this halloween as far as setting up props and bringing some out closer to the day of just to freak out the kids a lil more. I love my werewolf!

This weekend was gorgeous! Was in the garage and fixed my zombie and I'm still working on this guy, but came to the conclusion that I really need to purchase a soldering iron to finish the job.

I also fixed this large animated spider I picked up from one of those craigslist jackpot adds.

This weekend I would like to finish up the corpsing and work on the fog chiller. For you...117 more days to go for me set up starts in 79 more days!!!

You were wishing I was your vampire,
madame jen


  1. I NEED to make a fog chiller but I'm not sure which version I'll make. I do have an old cooler I could use. Hmmmm. Any suggestions?

  2. I did mine super cheap. I used a styrofoam cooler and used a plastic tube I had in the garage. I guess the trick is keeping it cold in order for it to creep on the ground. I think the main problem is the wind. If it's not still it wont sit. :(
