Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gothy Garden

I know this doesn't have much to do with halloween, but it's a little gothy to say the least. Welcome to my garden!

This is my daughters garden she planted pumpkins! We will see how they do this year...

Every good witch carries the essential herbs in her garden including lavender, sage and rosemary.

And every good goth girl has gladiolus growing in her garden *Morrissey*

My roses are growing and growing so I got a trellis last week and some thorns in my side (another Smiths plug). Really they were just in my fingers and scratches all up and down my arms. :/

Hiding behind this rose is one of our bat boxes.

The tree my husband planted died, so I bought a new tree, a japanese magnolia. Pretty purple flowers.

Slayer Reign in Blood Grill. Comes fully equipped with metal, blood, horns for handles and a skate deck to hold your raw meat and tools.

Saw my very first humming bird yesterday and he came back later for more and I saw him again this morning :)

The gardenia bush I planted last year didn't look so good anymore so I picked up a little piece of my home town... a palm! I <3 Miami/Fort Lauderdale.

With all that said... someone needs to mulch!


  1. So pretty, Madame! I hope the palm makes it! xo

  2. I have no luck with gardenias either. Bat boxes huh? I've always wanted to put some of them up. We have two bats that circle happily every night...I want more.

    Roses, thorns, herbs, spices and bats? Sounds pretty Halloween-y to me!

  3. Thanks Jyl. I don't expect the palm to live through the winter so I might just dig it up when that time comes stick it in a pot and bring it in the house. It was only $9. We'll see....

  4. The Undertaker, we have a beautiful gardenia bush on the side of the house, big and full. The ones we got last year aren't so hot. Bat boxes I picked up at a garage sale 3 yrs ago (I just thought they looked cool). They have to be so high in the air to actually do the job. We have bats around here at dusk. Pretty cool. Hope this year to make my own sage sticks!

  5. Lovely garden pics!!! Thanks for sharing...I love gardening almost, as much as I love Halloween....almost :)

